Laurie Vercoe & Raewyn of GPIL and guests Nicki O’Sullivan and Craig Reynolds from Mico Pipelines and their partners at the CCNZ Otago Awards held at the world-class spectacular location Skyline Stratosphere, Queenstown.
Congratulations to the winners and finalists from the CCNZ Otago Branch Hynds Construction Awards, which were held at the Skyline Stratosfare Restaurant in Queenstown!
Isaac Construction Limited took out the Supreme Award and Category C, SouthRoads won the Environmental Award, KB Contractors won Category A, Fulton Hogan won Category B and HEB Construction won the large project Category D. Special mention to Wilson Contractors, which won this year’s photo competition!
Thanks, CCNZ Otago for a great night at one of the world’s best venues atop the gondola in Queenstown. Geosynthetic Partners International (GPIL) was proud to sponsor the Category B Award for projects up to $1M. Congratulations to all the entries across the categories and to the award winners. Special thanks to our guests from Mico Pipelines for joining us at the event.