MBIE Building Products Information Requirements (BPIR)

Geosynthetic Partners International Ltd (GPIL)
Address for Service: C/- HPCA, 1 Ihumata Road, Milford, Auckland 0741, New Zealand
Website: www.gpil.co.nz
Email: info@gpil.co.nz
Mobile: +64 212 703 139
NZBN: 9429046993410

Limitations General Statement –
GPIL Products and the NZ Building Code

GPIL products can be broadly categorised as geosynthetics for use in the civil and building construction industry for geotechnical, stormwater, wastewater, waste management applications, and for use in associated concrete works. Our products should be designed for application by competent professional engineers and installed as part of construction by registered builders, civil contractors, and drainlayers with experience in the applicable applications for our products.

The use of GPIL products is typically in ground improvements associated with land development, ground foundation improvements, soil erosion, retaining and soil reinforcement in steep fills, ground anchors, containment of water and waste and for water management at source for detention, retention, soakage, and water reuse from rainfall events and products to improve structural concrete.

All of our products and their applications must be designed and certified for use in any given project construction and application by designers registered as consulting engineers and installed by experienced approved contractors.

Product Information, Design and Alternatives

The information presented on this website and in any supporting documentation or that referenced to any other website is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct. It is subject to periodic review and revision. The validity of the information relative to all necessary engineering or other conditions must be ascertained by a suitably qualified person such as a registered consulting engineer. No warranty is either expressed or implied.

Where we have suggested products, solutions, alternatives, or variations, it is opportune to emphasize the point that these are provided for evaluation purposes only and are not to be considered a full or partial design, as we are not consulting engineers or designers, we are not privy to all the necessary information pertaining to this matter, and we have no control over the project or installation of the product.

We accept no responsibility for design verification and no warranty is implied or granted in any suggestion of design assistance we may give. Accordingly, our suggestions should not be used for construction, and we recommend that complete engineering and design be performed by a suitably qualified engineer or industry-approved expert.

It is the responsibility of the Buyer, the Buyer’s representative, the Designer or Engineer to the Project or the Contractor to ensure that the proposed use of our goods on the intended site are fit for purpose as we may not be aware of the specific site conditions and specific application of the goods and that the goods are compliant with government legislation, local council by-laws or any other statutory regulations. GPIL makes no representation that the intended use of the goods is compliant with such legislation, by-laws, or regulations.